Build Your Patio Out Of Good Materials

Posted on: 27 April 2017

A patio is one of the most used locations in a home. This is especially true if you live in an area that affords that you spend any time outside. A patio can allow you the ability to grill outside and enjoy the beautiful sunshine. While you are going to have to make some important decisions when it comes to the layout of your patio, you will also need to decide what to make your patio out of.
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How To Choose Healthy Tree Saplings For Your Landscape

Posted on: 25 April 2017

Tree nurseries are a great resource when it comes to landscaping your home. They typically provide trees suitable for your area and offer a wide selection of trees from fruiting trees to ornamental species meant to enhance the beauty of your landscape. Knowing how to choose the right tree from a nursery is important to your success when purchasing and planting new trees in your landscape. Follow these guidelines for choosing vigorous, healthy trees from your local nursery.
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A Sprinkler System May Be Worth It

Posted on: 20 April 2017

Keeping a nice lawn takes a lot of attention, hard work, and dedication. You have to make sure that everything is just right or you can end up with dead grass and a very ugly lawn. There are a few different things that you can do for your yard that make it much easier to care for. One of the biggest ways to take a load off of your shoulders in regards to your lawn is installing a sprinkler system.
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Three Florida-Friendly Bulbs To Plant In The Spring For Summer Color

Posted on: 14 April 2017

While you can't grow familiar cold-climate bulbs, such as tulips and daffodils, in Florida, you can grow many bulbs to brighten up your perennial garden. Plant these three bulbs in spring for a burst of color during the hot, sweltering Florida summers. African Blood Lily The African Blood Lily (Scadoxus) is a member of the Amaryllis family that produces striking 10-inch globes of red flowers. Plant scadoxus bulbs in April in humus-rich soil with the necks slightly above the soil surface.
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