3 Methods To Get Rid Of Your Lawn Weeds

Posted on: 10 May 2017

When weeds begin to emerge in your lawn, it is good to begin fighting them as soon as possible to prevent them overtaking your lawn. Weeds steal nutrients and moisture from your lawn and can take over the soil, making your lawn look thin and scraggly. Here are three ways to help you keep your lawn beautiful and keep out the weeds.

Hand-Pull Individual Weeds

One effective but time-consuming method to get rid of weeds is to use a hand spade or garden trowel and remove the weeds one by one. Wearing gloves, find a comfortable spot in your lawn and begin digging out each weed. Be sure to use the trowel to dig deeply down around the root of the weed and pull out the entire weed root. Often, leaving just one section of the weed root can result in the weed re-growing in the same spot. 

If your removal of weeds results in bare spots in your lawn, don't leave the area bare as this can provide a place for new weed seeds to germinate and grow. Work to loosen the soil with a hand shovel and apply a layer of grass seeds onto the spot, watering the area daily to keep the spot moist until the grass seeds have sprouted. You can also fill in peat moss over the lawn seeds to help them take root.

Apply Weed Killer

When your lawn has been overtaken by a large number of weeds, you can use an herbicide to kill the weeds. Depending on the type of weeds you want to remove, select the appropriate type of weed killer and apply it over any weeds. Some weed killers will kill all types of plants, so you will need to be careful to only apply it onto the weeds you want to eliminate.

Other types of treatments include a weed-and-feed type of application that fertilizes your lawn while it kills broad-leaf types of weeds. Keep in mind this type of treatment may not eliminate crab grass and other weed grasses.

Choke Out Weeds

Helping your lawn grow healthy and thick can actually prevent weed growth by crowding them out with sunlight and space to grow. Be sure to water your lawn infrequently with long watering sessions to help your lawn's roots grown deeply and keep the plants healthy. Short and frequent watering actually caters to weeds to help them grow better. 

Be sure to fertilize your lawn with the appropriate type of fertilizer for your lawn, which will also help your lawn grow healthy and thick. Keep your lawn at a taller height by setting your lawn mower blade on the highest setting. Additional blade height on your lawn helps prevent weed seeds from reaching the soil, and if they are already in your soil, the extra shading from the lawn can prevent them from germinating.

Use these tips to help you clear the weeds from your lawn. For more help, talk with one of your local lawn care services.


Constructing and Filling Raised Garden Beds

Hi there, I am Kirk Blathers. I would like to share my knowledge about raised garden beds, so I created this website. My raised garden beds house tons of bulbs that push up out of the ground as soon as the warm weather arrives. Alongside the beds, I have a few tubs full of fresh herbs and vegetables that climb the trellises. I would love to share the information I've gathered about created raised bed frames from scratch. Some people have used actual bed frames while others created the beds out of wood materials. I will also discuss soil, seed, and fertilizer selection for each bed size and type. I hope that the information I share will help you create a beautiful set of raised beds for your yard. Thanks.